Saturday, January 20, 2007

I love Everybody Hates Chris

Oh God, what happened to my favorite show: ‘Everybody hates Chris’? It used to be showed on every Wednesday 9.30p.m, and suddenly it was replaced by the nonsense ‘One in a million’. That reality show is over and what’s the point of repeating it? I miss my ‘Everybody hates Chris’ very much.

Oppose to the famous ‘Everybody loves Raymond’, this main character – a black kid (narrated by Chris Rock) is always the unpopular, unlovely and unlucky one. He is always bullied, blamed or scolded by others, although he did nothing wrong. His sister, Tanya always uses her ‘youngest sibling power’ to get him into trouble. Like what being mentioned in last episode, she wanted to set him into fire! Can you imagine that? Fortunately, the worst thing he gets (for now) as a result from her sister’s accuse, is just his mother scolding. In the school, he normally get bullied by his fat white classmate. In short, he is always the unlucky one. So, you’re curious what’s so nice about it?

I like this show because, again, it’s simple, hilarious, and free away from all the mysterious, scary, complicated, high tech, criminal show. Who wants to dip into a stress, tension situation after a hard day work? (May be there is, but not me!) I just want a brainless entertainment that makes me laugh, feel happy and have a good night sleep.

Actually, ‘Everybody hates Chris’ is not completely brainless. I always think that watching comedy is a way of learning life with laughter and happiness. What I get from Chris, is one should always be optimistic (which I’m not), happy go lucky in whatever situation. He may be accused by his sister, scolded by his mom, blamed by his dad, hit by his classmate, unwanted by the girls, but what he did is just sigh, shake his head and feel sad for a while. He will be back to normal and smile with his extremely white teeth after that. Yeah~ Chris is unlucky, but his life still goes on, with an open, happy heart. That’s the must-have spirit. Never let yourself down no matter how bad the things happened. I hope to be like that too.

You see, Chris, Rocks! Is the tv station hates Chris and hence canceled the show?! Hope that this sitcom will be showed again…

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