Monday, January 29, 2007

Silent yet touching

Recently, I often rush back home with my Kancil right after office hour. There’s a mission that I have to accomplish? Yeah, that is to get back home and place myself in front of the TV at 7pm. This is because of the Taiwan show – ‘Shen Qing Mi Ma’ / Silence, played by the handsome Vic Chow, innocent Korean star, Park Eun Hye and Hong Kong singer cum actor – Andy Hui. It’s cooperation between different countries but no problem on language at all. Park’s character is a girl who becomes mute after a bus accident. No awkward voiceover for the character, only sign language, notes or sms.

I know this drama has a sad ending where the main character – Wei Yee will die of liver cancer. Normally, I refuse to watch the gloomy type of drama, but not this time. What I like about this drama is that, it’s a story for the quiet ones (Wei Yee is very quiet while Shen Shen is mute). For instance, myself who seldom talk. Many people can hardly understand or tolerate with quiet, introvert person. But we have our own opinion, feelings too. We may not able to act like very friendly and talkative even we force ourselves to. Just like what Wei Yee thinks, we are like alien to the public. Alien, means quiet people who live with the human beings, but still being alone/ lonely. We can’t get along with the society. It’s please to hear the drama song sang by Harlem Yu – ‘Jing Jing De’ / Silence, as it voice out the world of the quiet ones.

Although both of the main characters doesn’t talk much, but their heart and thinking are very close. You see, sometimes you can still communicate and be close to someone even in silence. May be love really conquers all. It’s romantic although the couple doesn’t shower each other with sweet words. An eye contact and a smile speak it all.

Since Valentine’s Day is coming, hope everyone will have an easy yet romantic and remarkable moment.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

I love Everybody Hates Chris

Oh God, what happened to my favorite show: ‘Everybody hates Chris’? It used to be showed on every Wednesday 9.30p.m, and suddenly it was replaced by the nonsense ‘One in a million’. That reality show is over and what’s the point of repeating it? I miss my ‘Everybody hates Chris’ very much.

Oppose to the famous ‘Everybody loves Raymond’, this main character – a black kid (narrated by Chris Rock) is always the unpopular, unlovely and unlucky one. He is always bullied, blamed or scolded by others, although he did nothing wrong. His sister, Tanya always uses her ‘youngest sibling power’ to get him into trouble. Like what being mentioned in last episode, she wanted to set him into fire! Can you imagine that? Fortunately, the worst thing he gets (for now) as a result from her sister’s accuse, is just his mother scolding. In the school, he normally get bullied by his fat white classmate. In short, he is always the unlucky one. So, you’re curious what’s so nice about it?

I like this show because, again, it’s simple, hilarious, and free away from all the mysterious, scary, complicated, high tech, criminal show. Who wants to dip into a stress, tension situation after a hard day work? (May be there is, but not me!) I just want a brainless entertainment that makes me laugh, feel happy and have a good night sleep.

Actually, ‘Everybody hates Chris’ is not completely brainless. I always think that watching comedy is a way of learning life with laughter and happiness. What I get from Chris, is one should always be optimistic (which I’m not), happy go lucky in whatever situation. He may be accused by his sister, scolded by his mom, blamed by his dad, hit by his classmate, unwanted by the girls, but what he did is just sigh, shake his head and feel sad for a while. He will be back to normal and smile with his extremely white teeth after that. Yeah~ Chris is unlucky, but his life still goes on, with an open, happy heart. That’s the must-have spirit. Never let yourself down no matter how bad the things happened. I hope to be like that too.

You see, Chris, Rocks! Is the tv station hates Chris and hence canceled the show?! Hope that this sitcom will be showed again…

Friday, January 12, 2007

What Women Want? Handsome guy la...

Yesterday (Friday) was just boring. No TV program that really attracts me. But not for next coming Friday. One of my favorite reality show is showing again! Yeah, American Idol! I’m looking forward to it but before that, not to miss our Malaysian reality show on every Thursday 10.30pm. I guess most women won’t miss that show because it’s a handsome guy show, called ‘What women want’, sponsored by Gillette and Head and Shoulders. It's a show where contestants (the guys) will be tested with various tasks and the top will win the title ‘What Women Want’.

Just like how the show usually starts, there will be opinions from the women about what they want from a man. While for me, honesty and being responsible are the important values. I couldn’t stand watching my friends crying and screaming after being dumped by their heartless boyfriends. How could a man shower his girlfriend with all the sweet words and gifts and end up by breaking up with her just for another girl that he had hardly know? Ai… Nowadays we can only dream for a loyal, sincere guy from the romantic, ‘fairy-tale’ like Korean drama.

For Thursday episode, there are only 7 contestant left. All of them are handsome and cute, especially the mix. My favorites are Christian, Charles, Syam and Hafiz. Each week there will be two tasks to be performed while one of them will dictate who will be eliminated. Last week, the task is to choose the suitable jewelries for a lady. I think this is a big challenge because it tests your style and taste. And the artistic hair stylist, Hafiz won that round. The second task is dancing salsa. The cool guy, Charles didn’t do his best, may be he thinks that is not his talent. Cute guy, Christian is the same, but instead, he tried his best and had fun all the way. He was not dancing salsa (no one knows what dance he performed) but at least he tried to entertain himself and the judges. And he won. This proves that one may not be talented, but the sporting, ‘all out’ spirit will lead him to success.

Each week there will be one contestant being kicked out. The politic is not as horrible as ‘War and Beauty’ showed on TV3 6.00pm, but there is still strategies playing around the contestants. For me, Talha and Andrew are quite ambitious, or should I say – dangerous. Fortunately, till now, all the crooks are being eliminated each week. (Dear brilliant judges, you made the right choice!) And I predict the top two will be Syam and Hafiz.

Overall it’s a nice show as I get to see handsome, gorgeous guys each week. And it’s better compare to the Cornetto’s ‘Love perhaps’ (scary!) Let’s pray to have more mature, fun handsome guy show like ‘What Women Want’.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

My Blog & My Good Old Days

Ho Ho Ho! Christmas is over, but i'm cheering again as at last i get my first blog ready. Temporary, it's a simple one. I hope to decorate it more later, if i'm not lazy.....

So why Malaysia TV? no special reason. You see, i'm from a small town in Malaysia and since i was young, i kept watching tv. This is the only entertainment or activity you can do when you are free. During that time, there were no Playstation, computer game, internet, shopping mall... all the high tech stuff that you can get now. However, i still miss the old days...

I used to go to Kindergarden in the morning and back home at 12am. That's the time i sat in front of the tv, with a bowl of rice (my lunch!) and start indulging with the tv program like cartoons. Mentioning about cartoons, i think my generation are a lot luckier than nowadays as the cartoons are not that interesting, amusing like those days. Cartoons that i used to watch are Woody Wood Pecker, Smurf (cute, cute!), Thunder Cat (Thunder, Thunder, Thunder Cat!!!), Roadrunner (and the wolf?), Chipmunk, Alvin.. ( a cartoon with 3 kids, one is Alvin, with red shirt, another one in blue and the youngest is in green shirt, forgotten the title..), Bugs Bunny (Mm...What's up duck?), Sesame street, Ultraman, doreamon (comic, not in tv) and so much more. Another one is a story about a big fat bear cleaning the garden, there's a lot fun stuff when he's picking up rubbish and leaves into his white bag. Ha! it's still nice thinking back about the cartoons as they were magnificent!

Compare to the cartoons nowadays, there are Mr Bean, PowerPuff girl, Pokemon, Dora, Barney(purple dragon?), Spongebob, South Park, Prince of tennis, Sin Chan, Hello Kitty , Initial D, Pooh Bear.... i'm not saying that these cartoons not worth seeing at all, but aren't they are not as famous/remarkable/'legendary' like those one we saw when we were young? Not that cute, innocent.... Besides, there are more animations now like Nemo, The incredibles (my cousin's favourite), Shrek, Chicken Little. Sometimes i guess, children are watching animation(including japanese animes) more than the simple (not so much high tech) cartoons. They are not doing things like they suppose to at their age, like singing kids song (they sing pop song, rap, 'yo! what's up???'), watching cartoons (they watch drama, car racing, war show....). It's not illegal. It's just me, i can't accept that kids nowadays don't enjoy simple things like we used to do last time. Sigh~

Ha, you see, i started my tv hobby with cartoons since i was young. Time passed by and so many things have been invented, so many things have been changed. Well, no matter it's good or bad, i still love watching tv, so here come my first blog: Malaysia TV!